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Barry A. Vittor & Associates, Inc. has extensive experience in completing full-spectrum habitat assessments and species-specific surveys for numerous state and federally endangered and threatened species, including:

  • Gopherus polyphemus - Gopher Tortoise

  • Picoides borealis - Red-cockaded Woodpecker

  • Drymarchon couperi - Eastern Indigo Snake

  • Pseudemys rubriventris - Northern Red-bellied Turtle

  • Malaclemys terrapin - Diamondback Terrapin

  • Trichechus - Manatee

  • Isoetes louisianensis - Louisiana Quillwort

The purpose of the U.S. Endangered Species Act (Act), passed by Congress in 1973, is to prevent the extinction of native and foreign animals and plants. The Endangered Species Act is under the administration of two federal agencies. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), including the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), are responsible for all endangered and threatened marine species. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) are responsible for freshwater fish and all other species. With some exceptions, the Act prohibits activities affecting these protected species unless authorized by a permit from the FWS or NMFS.

The activities authorized by permits differ depending whether the species is listed as endangered or threatened. A species status may differ from state-to-state, even county-to-county.

For endangered species, permits may be issued for scientific research, enhancement of propagation, survival of the species, conservation education, and education regarding unintentional destruction that is incidental to an otherwise lawful activity. For threatened species, permits also may be issued for zoological, horticultural, or botanical exhibition; educational use; and special purposes consistent with the Act.


Contact Senior Ecologist, Howard Horne

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